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   SEMINAR ON BUSINESS EXCELLENCE november 19, 2014   

Dr. Oussama Ziadé started the presentation with case studies from around the world. The case studies showed disheartening statistics of failure in organizations.

He defined Business Excellence as the ability of an organization to provide the maximum balanced value to all its stakeholders. Dr. Ziadé presented the big picture of an organization’s stakeholders and introduced the nine management’s disciplines to address the concerns of different stakeholders. He emphasized an integrated framework of these nine disciplines based on precise and well defined ontologies (meta models) as published by standard bodies.

He presented the levels of knowledge-sharing from socialization, externalization, formalization, to integrated-formalization and argued that the highest level is where the nine disciplines should be rooted; especially considering that the world is almost at that point.

Many of the leading conglomerate organizations come together to define the meta models for the majority of these disciplines through standard bodies. Afterwards, he introduced the full cycle of a disciplines: creation, communication, execution, assessing and learning to evolution. Dr. Ziadé presented the maturity model as a progressive way to acquire these nine disciplines.

The integrated nine disciplines, the discipline’s full cycle, and the maturity model are the three legs to start the journey of business excellence. In the second part of the seminar, he went through a real case study in which a government agency in the MENA region applied business excellence to discover new services, reduce process cycle time resulting in five-fold increase of revenue in two years and increased customer satisfaction.



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