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Created in 2007 under the umbrella of the Industrial Research Institute (IRI) and the Euro-Lebanese Center for Industrial Modernisation (ELCIM), the Lebanon SoftShore (LSS) cluster was jumpstarted in 2013, with a new vision and scope.

Today, its mission is to propel Lebanese Software Companies into the global scene, offering them the knowledge, the tools and the support to withstand an expansion of that scale. . In a period where developing new market opportunities becomes key, the role of the cluster has been recognized as a key element to achieve such goals.

Its role has been recognized as key in developing new market opportunities for the local companies who could expand its expertise, its exposure and its reach.

The Lebanese software industry is endowed with many assets that make it an ideal partner for foreign clients: advanced technical skills, a strong education system that graduates engineers who are career-ready, multi language skills its multi cultural experience, and previous international experience. Being aware of all this potential, Lebanon SoftShore's mission is to position the Lebanese software industry as a major player in the international market through the dissemination of information, branding efforts, capacity building, promotion of activities and collaboration with other stakeholders.

The member companies of LebanonSoftShore are the top-range of the country with an excellent track record in developing software solutions for regional and international clients. They cover all phases of the software development cycle, from establishing user requirements, specifying the system design, developing prototypes, to testing and implementing the solution. Furthermore, all after-sales services such as training, support and maintenance are covered as well.

Currently, the LSS has identified two major markets beside the GCC area, namely in Europe -France being the main target market -and in West Africa -Senegal, Ivory Coast and Ghana being the main target markets there. Other opportunities are to be considered in the future for future smart expansions

As a cluster, the LSS will act as a single entry point for the industry to promote its activities and for foreign partners to get in touch with cluster members.


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